Healthy Coping Skills

Safety & Awareness | July 5, 2019

By Alicia Gehrig, Community Outreach Coordinator, Christine Ann Domestic Abuse Services, Inc.

Being a healthy person means handling changes that are happening in your surroundings, and in your mind, appropriately. Some emotions are positive, such as joy, happiness, calm and excited. Some emotions are negative, such as sadness, anger, jealousy and loneliness. Each of these emotions is perfectly normal to experience. How you handle and cope with these emotions determines a healthy versus unhealthy response.

When you find yourself feeling upset and having negative emotions, there are many strategies you can use to help you cope and work through it.

Healthy coping skills include:

  • Finding a Safe Space (both mental and physical)
  • Talking to a Safe Person You Trust
  • Sharing Your Feelings
  • Journaling
  • Watching your Favorite TV Show
  • Deep Breathing for 2 Minutes (or more)
  • Positive Self-Talk
  • Writing Down What is Bothering You and then Throwing it Away
  • Exercising (running, walking, dancing, bike ride, etc.)
  • Taking a Break
  • Listening to Music

Practice makes perfect!

It will take time to form a habit of these healthy coping skills—and that’s OK! Being mindful and aware of your emotions and feelings is an important task when experiencing all types of emotions. If you’re having a hard time practicing these healthy coping skills, talk to a safe adult or call 920-235-5998 to talk with a Youth Advocate at Christine Ann Domestic Abuse Services. Always Remember, Help Is Here!

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