Webfooters: A Best Kept Secret

Family Fun | July 1, 2017
webfooters free family fun

By Chris Brouch, Webfooters

Want to learn about one of Wisconsin’s best kept secrets?

Picture yourself basking in the glory of a sunny, 75 degree Sunday evening on the shores of the Wolf River in Fremont WI. You know, Fremont, that great river city only 20-25 minutes west of the Fox Valley!

Come see one of Wisconsin’s best kept secrets!

WOW! To your left comes a ski boat, pulling 29 skiers. They have built themselves into human pyramids that might just touch the sky!

Take a glance to the right, and here comes another ski boat that is RACING into the show at approximately 50MPH –
with a group of insane barefoot skiers flying by!

A few minutes later, 18 talented ladies perform a beautifully choreographed ballet act…all while skiing together behind ONE boat. Oh yeah, they are each on only ONE ski!

HEY! There’s a 6 foot jump out there on the Wolf River! And, 3 more skiers just launched off that thing and spun 360 degree spins in the air! Guess what, you’ve just met the Webfooters Water Ski Show Team!

Wisconsin’s Best Kept Secret is…

The Webfooters put on 2 FREE shows per week!
Wednesdays & Sundays, 6pm
Fremont, Wisconsin

Yep, you read that right – these amazing shows are absolutely FREE!

The skiing talent is incredible! The club is not for profit and centered around developing youth. A new show theme is bundled into these incredibly impressive ski acts every season.

Not Just a Summer Sport

The Webfooters Shows start in early June, but the show prep is year ’round. In the fall, offseason boats and gear are repaired and upgraded. By January 1, the team is practicing their acts indoors at local Gymnasiums. And by May 1, the Webfooters are on the water practicing (Brrrrr…)!

This summer, head over to Fremont on a Wednesday or Sunday Night at 6pm, bring lawn chairs or pick a spot in the bleachers and join the Webfooter family for a night of fun and amazement!

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