BACK TO SCHOOL SAFETY TIPS: A gold star for safety when heading back to school

Safety & Awareness | July 5, 2019

By Sarah Rhone RN, BSN, PHN, Safe Kids Fox Valley Coordinator

In the near future, it will be that busy time of year again for children and their families!

School paperwork is due, along with physicals, immunizations, parent-teacher meetings, sport tryouts, school supplies and the list goes on! During this busy time, safety issues may not be something parents are thinking about. However, Safe Kids Fox Valley wants to remind families to take safety seriously and avoid unintentional childhood injuries.

Here are a few tips as children hit the books in 2019!

Put devices down while driving or crossing the street.

1 in 5 high school students cross the street with distracting technology which can lead to injury. Put the devices down, listen, make eye contact with drivers looking up while crossing a street. Also, use sidewalks or walking paths.

Parents, please walk with your children to the bus stop until the bus arrives…

And stay three giant steps back from the curb followed by loading on the bus one at a time.

Carpooling saves time and money but make sure your carpool is safe.

Safe meaning each passenger is buckled up and in appropriate car/booster seats according to weight, age and height.

Get your physical by your physician.

This will decrease risk from potential medical conditions in young athletes.

Drink plenty of water.

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends 5 oz every 20 minutes for a 88-pound child and 9 oz every 20 minutes for a 132-pound adolescent during athletic activity.

Check playgrounds where your children may play.

Watch for hazards such as rusted or broken equipment or inadequate surfacing and make sure your child plays on age appropriate equipment. If any hazards are found, report these to the school.

Wear a helmet when riding your bike, skateboarding or scooting to and from school on every ride.

Make sure the helmet fits and your child knows how to use it correctly. The rim of the helmet should be two finger widths above the eyebrows. Make sure the straps form a V under the ear lobes, fitting snug but comfortable. Last, open your mouth wide and make sure the helmet hugs your head, if not tighten it more.

Safe Kids Fox Valley works to prevent unintentional childhood injuries, which is the number one cause of death for children in the United States. It is a multi-agency coalition and is a member of the Safe Kids Worldwide global network dedicated to preventing injuries.

More Information on keeping our kids safe as they are heading back to school can be found at

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