Healthy Friendships

Safety & Awareness | June 1, 2019
Healthy Friendships

By Alicia Gehrig, Community Outreach Coordinator, Christine Ann Domestic Abuse Services, Inc.

What makes a good friend?

Good friends make a huge impact on your personal happiness and successes in life. Good friends support your goals and create a safe and accepting environment for you to be your true self. You deserve healthy and fun friendships. But what does that really look like?

Key Components to a Healthy Friendship:

  • Trusting each other and validating the other person’s feelings
  • Speaking and acting in a manner so that the other person feels safe
  • Being supportive and confident in yourself and encouraging the other person’s individual growth
  • Having a lot of fun together
  • Respect that everyone is unique in their own way and not trying to change them
  • Do not spread rumors about your friend
  • Being equals in the friendship. Finding a healthy balance and not trying to be the leader every time
  • Using kind language towards each other
  • Listen with open ears and without judgement

Remember, friendships take work.

By practicing these skills, you can have a healthy friendship – and you deserve one, too! If you have a friendship where you do not feel safe and supported, talk to a safe adult or call (920) 235-5998 to talk with an advocate at Christine Ann Domestic Abuse Services. Help is Here!

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